Bench Saw (loan or otherwise)

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Bench Saw (loan or otherwise)

Ron Bowater (Romsey MS)

Romsey Men's Shed are planning to construct a small timber framed building to be used as a washroom/toilet, the main structural component being 4x2 timbers for external studding walls. We have been given free of charge 10 x 5m 8x2 and need to cut them into 4x2s.

Would anyone have a bench saw we could borrow for a day or so to do this please ? We appreciate that the main wear and tear will be on the blade and so we are prepared to buy our own and return the saw with a new blade.

If anyone can satisfy our need, please drop me an email ..

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Re: Bench Saw (loan or otherwise)

Steve Redrup (Portsmouth)
Hi Ron,

Just to reiterate what was said at the meeting, if you cannot get access to a table saw close by then Portsea Men's Shed are willing to help out.


 Steve Redrup