British Red Cross Mobility Aids Volunteers Needed

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British Red Cross Mobility Aids Volunteers Needed

SMS Network Coordinator
I have been asked to Post this request from British Red Cross

Good afternoon,
We are currently running a campaign to recruit volunteers to help us support people in our community.
As such we are contacting Men's Sheds to ask for their assistance in this campaign by either printing a
small announcement in their newsletters or hanging a poster/leaflet on noticeboards.
If you have a newsletter/bulletin would it be possible to print the following:

Can you spare a few hours per week?
Would you like to help the British Red Cross provide wheelchairs to people in your local community?
A wheelchair allows somebody to remain independent, speed up their recovery time, improve mental health
and wellbeing and stop them from being socially isolated.
We are looking for Volunteers in our spokes for our Mobility Aids service in your local community.
To find out more please email: or call 03000 040309

If possible, we would appreciate if you could display the attached poster on your community noticeboard (if applicable).
We would be very grateful for your assistance and cooperation and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your help.

Kind regards


Wheelchair Volunteer Recruitment Team
Volunteeer Operations
British Red Cross

03000 040309

Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)