Shed insurance remains a contentious subject. I left my old broking firm in 2018 where I had set up a Shed insurance scheme – which still runs today. We have our own scheme at Wessex Insurance as you might know – as I remain as passionate about Sheds today as I ever was. It has taken me a while to get the right products and prices - so there were some disappointments in the early days, but no longer.
I’ve just put a Shed on cover who wanted to be insured for work carried out outside of the shed – in the community. They’d taken out a policy with my old firm but didn't realise that the policy no longer includes ‘work away’ cover – and as that is not suitable for their needs, they have cancelled and taken out a policy with us - Wessex Insurance - where we do cover work away from the Shed.
As you know, many Sheds are too small to operate indoors within the social distancing guildelines, so to maintain health, happiness and membership community activities are the only option at present.
A timely reminder – to check that your policy is fit for purpose and that the activities which you are planning are acceptable to the insurer. Read the small print - OR email your policy to me and I will read it for you and let you know - free of charge and irrespective of who your insurer/broker is ( /
(Oh, and my old firm quoted £383.23 for the policy. We did it for £222.00 – and included Legal Expenses insurance AND work away cover. Please forgive the sales pitch, but that's quote a saving and will buy quite a lot of biscuits).
Kind regards
John Mitchell
01256 674194 / 07768 865983