Hi Andy,
At Portsea Men's Shed we use a Mifi (mobile WiFi using a data sim) device with a 12gb Three network data sim which is valid for up to to 12 months for a one off payment. The data sim will work until either the 12gb has been used up or the 12 months is up.
A mifi device costs from about £40 upwards and the data sim about £30 quid. When the data sim runs out you simply by a replacement sim and use it to replace the old sim in the device.
I see that Three are now doing a 24gb sim valid for up to 24 months for less than £40.
As long as you don't use it for video streaming you should find this sufficient for most of your needs.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01M3VJ2B2?pf_rd_r=A8AQ7WXM1J09AT5BSAXG&pf_rd_p=e632fea2-678f-4848-9a97-bcecda59cb4eAbove is a link to an Amazon offer which offers a mifi device which can connect up to 16 devices simultaneously and a 24gb/24mth data sim for less than £80.
Before getting this, check that your area gets a reasonable Three network signal.
There is no calls with this but then most of us have mobile phones with us so probably not a priority.
Hope this helps.
Steve Redrup.
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)