To ANY Interested Sheds,As this is a 'not for profit' event, the organisers are not asking Sheds for a donation apart from attendance, plenty of volunteer time and support.
We hope to make it a very successful family friendly few days.
Please would you publicise the attached poster amongst members and the wider community in case visitors from the mainland also happen to be on the Island that weekend.
We would welcome representation from any mainland Sheds too.
We would like to invite you to have a stall (with your own gazebo) at this family friendly event over two days, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June.
The organisers have tried hard not to clash with so many other summer events on the Island.
We know that this weekend also hosts the Round the Island Race, is the King's Birthday and Father's Day on the Sunday.
When the event was last run on a Thursday in 2019 over 500 people attended on the day.
This will be a weekend event from 10am till 4pm (and into the evening on Saturday) There will be interests for all the family, including children. Entry for the public will be free with plenty of room for parking.
The Shed Fest event has been mainly sponsored by the Royal British Legion, with donations from Wight Aid and the Wight Aviation Museum, it will be 'manned' by volunteers mainly from the Sheds. The event will be formally opened on the Saturday morning.
We hope to have stalls from (apart from Sheds): Age Concern 50+ Club, Age UK IW, Ability Dogs, Bus Museum, Care in the Garden, Hayland's Farm, Isle of Wight Classic Cars, IoW Amputees, IoW Literacy Festival, IW Prostate Cancer Support Group, Men Only (Ryde) IoW, Porter Club Lake, Samaritans, IoW Defibrillators, RBL Bikers, Vectis Historic Vehicle Club, Vectis Vintage Tractors, Veterans Hub IoW, Wight Military & Heritage Museum.
There will also be children's activities, refreshments, music and socialising on the Saturday evening for those wishing to stay on.
Did I mention a small beer festival too.We look forward hearing from you and seeing there.
Kind regards,
Rob (Chairman)Nettlestone & Seaview Shed (Registered Charity No. 1189878)
on behalf of the
Isle of Wight Men in Sheds Festival 2024 (IoW Shed Fest)Working IN, WITH and FOR the Local Community
ShedFest 2024 Poster
Thank You.
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)