Hi Roy,
Thank you for your reply, we opened a business account with Santander and operate with three signatories.
like you I keep all money movements recorded on a spreadsheet.
This leads to a question about taxation, we are making small items for fund-raising, all monies raised, membership subscriptions, and sponsorships received will be ploughed into the future running costs of the shed. Do we have to notify the tax man? I feel that we should, but others had said no don't bother, believe me I hate tax returns. Any suggestions?
Regards Terry
(Sent from my PC)
------ Original Message ------
From: "Roy Cadoux [via Southern Men's Shed Network Forum]" <
[hidden email]>
Sent: 07/07/2016 18:59:16
Subject: Re: The roll of a treasurer
Hi Terry, I've been Treasurer of Hayling Island Mens Shed for 6 months. We haven't actually got a shed yet so my task is fairly straightforward so far. I keep the accounts on a simple income and expenditure basis on a spreadsheet. What you suggest recording all sounds correct, but for your own protection you should definitely open a bank account and keep any shed monies separate from your own. We have a Barclays Community Account which doesn't cost us anything.