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Venue for June 2017 Network Meeting

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Venue for June 2017 Network Meeting

SMS Network Coordinator
Just a quick reminder that we don't have a Hosting Shed for the next meeting.

If any shed would like to volunteer as Hosts (around Mid-June) please let me know.

If we have no offers, I will try and organise it at the Portsea Men's Shed in Portsmouth.
Downside of Portsea is that the Church in which we are based is having its kitchen updated but we don't have a guaranteed end date.
The other downside is that we do not have our own Car Parking area and all the local car parking is "Pay At Meter" and is used by vistors to the Gunwharf at Portsmouth.

So please let me know over the next few weeks and I will set a firm date in about 3 weeks time (End of May).

Many Thanks,

Steve Redrup.
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)
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Venue for 19th June 2017 Network Meeting

SMS Network Coordinator
Alton Men's Shed have volunteered to Host the Next Network Meeting

Thanks to Ian Scott for contacting me with the news that Alton Men's Shed are willing to host the next Southern Men's Shed Network Meeting.

The meeting will start at 12:30 pm on Monday 19th June.

The address for all visitors is:
Alton Men's Shed,
All Saints Parish Hall Car Park,
Queens Road, Alton, Hants GU34 1HU

We only have a basic Agenda at the moment, so please send me your
ideas for additional agenda items or if you would like to propose a guest speaker etc.

I will contact you all with additional details, maps, agenda etc. in a couple of weeks.
But meanwhile, please reserve a spot in your busy diaries.

Many Thanks,

Steve Redrup.
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)