One of our members recently approached the site manager of a nearby building site to blag some of their discarded building materials. He was told that we could not take anything as they needed to have records of disposal for all the waste from the site. I know from talking to many other shedders that most builders are quite happy for us to take their waste material.
However, our member did a little investigating and found that as a volunteer based organisation we could actually register and get a free waste carrier certificate. So although this guy may be an exception, not only can we give him the documentation he needs we are legally allowed to carry waste. Whilst we all think a piece of wood is a potential bedside cabinet or similar someone else in authority might just think its rubbish.
Obviously you need to be sure you qualify for free registration but as I think we probably all do, I thought I would share the link to the Government website with you. The process is simple enough and once registration is confirmed you can download a certificate.