Fingers Crossed for the Next Spring MeetingSo it is beginning to look like the dreaded virus and restrictions may allow us to hold our spring meeting.
We are currently in the process of preparing plans for the agenda and arrangements.
As a result it is hoped that all goes well for our meeting on Tuesday the 19th April (starting 11am).
This is thanks to
Church Crookham and Fleet Men's Shed agreeing to host.
This meeting will be at
Church Crookham Community Centre
Boyce Road,
Church Crookham,
Hampshire. GU52 8AQ
The CCF Men's Shed are hoping to have their shed open for attendees to come and have a look around.
We are still compiling a final agenda, but one of the items we have been holding over is a short presentation from Ken Ebbens of Wessex Cancer Trust about their ActionMan Campaign.
As a result he has asked me to mention a couple of their events which are coming up in the near future (Please see below).
Many Thanks,
Steve Redrup.
Network Coordinator.
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Coordinator)
Please find below the two events I mentioned QA Q&A
Please find attached a poster outlining the second Q&A on 16 March,Holiday Inn, Pembroke Road, Southsea. PO1 2TA.
The speaker is Penny Emerit, CEO of Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust
It will be great if you might have an interest in coming along. I know you will understand if I state the obvious, that it is imperative that all attendees treat the speaker with respect with what can be an emotional topic depending on your individual experience at QA.
All details can be found on the
attached poster; please can you contact me of any interest and I will be very happy to help from there
Hope to hear from you
Romsey concert
As some may be aware, I am part of a chorus (Fine Voice Academy) who have a fund raising event in Romsey in just over a month
Poster is attached, all proceeds to Wessex Cancer Trust (WCT) also highlighting the Action Man (men and health) campaign for WCT that I chair. It will great if you might like to come along plus feel free to equally circulate to friends/family etc
Feel free to contact me if you have any queries on either
It will be great if you can circulate through your various networks and to family/friends, to see if anyone may be interested in both or either
Much appreciated
Kind regards
02392 814952
0781 706 7668
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)