A little bit of news for you. I’m emailing to let you know that Brian Cooke, our
Ambassador for the Hampshire region has decided to step down from his role to focus
more on his own Shed and his family commitments. Brian said it was ok for me to send
out an email to let you all know.
Many of you probably know Brian, he has been a Shed Ambassador since before
Ambassadors existed and we can actually thank him for coming up with the idea for an
official volunteer role. Brian has also been a trustee for UKMSA for many years.
Brian is so enthusiastic and passionate about the Shed movement and will continue to
support in the future if he can. Recently since I started he has been involved with
supporting the South West Ambassadors with their development in the Cornwall area,
helping Sheds in his local area, and he has also spoken to a number of other countries
about their ideas for developing Sheds, including Poland, Spain and Norway. Brian is
always in regular contact and has been really supportive and welcoming to me since I
started in post.
So I wanted to say thank you to Brian for all of his involvement, commitment and hard
work over the years. Brian, it’s been lovely to work with you for the past few months and
thank you for all your personal support
Thanks all for reading this,
Rachel Meadows