Just a quick thought...
The Supreme Court ruled that more Business Interruption claims should be considered valid and paid by insurers last week.
There probably aren't many Sheds with Business Interruption insurance, but if you are unsure what cover you have or you would like me to take a look at your policy and give you a view, then please get in touch.
We have put claims to insurers for a number of our commercial clients - all of which were declined first time around, but we have now re-submitted them all and have our fingers crossed for successful outcomes. If insurers owe money, they should pay!
(As you know this isn't going to be like the insurance PPI mis-selling scandal - business interruption claims will only be successful if the right cover was bought in the first place and if the policy wording can be applied to the COVID-19 scenario...so no promises).
If I can help with this or any other insurance related matter, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
01256 674198 / 07768 865938
Kind regards
John Mitchell
01256 674194 / 07768 865983