Chris Nixon
has asked me to post the following Notes and Documents resulting from our last
Zoom Network Meeting on the 6th April 2021.
Notes on the SMSN Zoom
meeting on 06-04-2021
No formal minutes
were taken as it was more of an open forum than normal.
Unfortunately the
meeting was not as well attended as the last one with only 6 Sheds represented.
Shame really because there was some interesting discussions on all of the
normal subjects. A representative from the nascent Petersfield Shed was there
so hopefully these were of use to them.
Mention was made of a
possible, nay probable, local area Shedfest taking place at Manor Farm,
Pyland’s Lane, Hamble, SO31 1BH. Further details will have to wait until the
Government has decided whether this can actually go ahead and what
restrictions, if any, there might be on such an event. Provisionally planned
for late August. Insurance has been arranged sponsored by Wessex Insurance.
Hopefully many local sheds will be able to attend to show what activities they
are undertaking. After the last 18 months this could prove to be a really
important event. West Sussex is also planning something similar at the home of
The Repair Shop at the Weald and Downland Museum.
Discussions also took
place on the pre-opening actions proposed by different sheds.In the hope that
it might prove of use to some of us Reading Silvers Workshop posted their
"Covid 19 Action Safety Plan and Tony Smith-Crellan (an ambassador
covering the Keighley area) very kindly donated various documents that sheds
may find of use. They can be found in the documents section of the Forum (
It would seem from
the small number of represented sheds that the May 17th change in rules was
currently the point that most were intending. We decided that we all needed to
‘re-launch’ at some level, including our Network, and raise our profile.
Although the majority of Sheds will not meet till May 17th, please get
planning. For example Reading Silvers workshop are planning on having a full
opening session, possibly inviting a celebrity for the occasion and getting
full press coverage. Don’t miss the opportunity to bang your own drum.
It was agreed that we
ought to try and make much more use of the Forum (
) as there is so much more that could be achieved with more inter-group
Well until the next
time when we can hope that it may be in a physical group – plans are underway
to try and arrange a suitably safe site.
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)