Monday September 25th starting at 12:30 pm.Southbourne Men's Shed will be providing light refreshments and snacks before the meeting.
They will also have their shed open for those interested in having a look around.
After our last meeting, it was suggested by Poole Men's Shed that it would be
useful during the intervals to have a few tables set up with some of the "old" shedders
sitting in to give some guidance to the newer sheds on various topics.
Suggestions for topics include IT (Computer software, Websites etc.), Being a Trustee,
Dealing with local authority, Insurance and becoming a CIO.
I am happy to sit in on the Computer related subject, but could use a few volunteers
to sit in on some of the other tables.
Are there any other topics which you think would be of interest.
If this seems to be useful, maybe we could make this a regular feature of our meetings.
Does anyone have any suggestions for the meeting agenda?
I will send an agenda and map at the end of this week.
Steve Redrup.
The Next Meeting will be hosted by Southbourne Men's Shed
Venue and Date: Monday 25th September 2017 (Meeting starts at 12:30pm)
Old School, New Road, Southbourne, PO10 8JX
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)