Hopefully you received my General Notice Email regarding this event
which takes place on the early May Bank Holiday (5th & 6th May).I have since been contacted by Brian Cooke (Kookie) who has sent the following email: - Steve, the national ambassador team are interested so I am interested to know who wants
to be involved and
there might be some money for expenses Kookie.
So if you want to contact him, his email address is: brian.cooke@hotmail.co.uk
I have also been contacted by Mark Austin of Southampton Men's Shed: - Hi Steve,
I've contacted Liz at the Weald & Downland Museum re. the May event to
which we've all been invited. I'm interested in attending on behalf of
the Southampton Men's Shed. She has confirmed that
there will be a
camping area available for anyone who is interested in staying for the
duration of the event. Perhaps you could let this be known in your next
news letter as I'm sure this might sway a few more people in attending.
Mark Austin
(Southampton Shed)
Please remember that the Weald & Downland Museum would like to know of your interest by the end of this week (i.e. 15th Feb 2019).Weald_Down_Museaum_Event_Email.pdfWeald_Down_Museaum_Event.pdf
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)