Please Note that the Next Network Meeting will be on Wednesday 15th September 2021I can confirm that the next Network Meeting will be hosted by Fareham Men's Shed (at The Great Barn): -
On Wednesday 15th September 2021 at 11:30 (tea, coffee and biscuits will be available beforehand).
expected to finish at 2:30 pm with a mid-session break of approx. 30 to 45 minutes.
Venue: The Great Barn. Mill Lane, Titchfield (PO15 5RB)The Main Topic - Our Future in these changed times
Please Note The following information: -
* The Great Barn is a large airy space which should provide good ventilation
* The wearing of face masks will NOT be compulsory, but we ask attendees to consider wearing them
* As we are unsure of numbers and have no official funding, only drinks and biscuits will be available
* An NHS QR code will also be displayed for those wishing to scan with the NHS Covid app.
* There is plenty of parking at the venue
* Please also note the change of weekday and time for this next meeting
So we have had an unprecedented 18 months and the future is still not completely clear.
We understand that this is the first post-Covid meeting and that some potential attendees may have some concerns.
We would like as many as possible to feel able to attend so if you have any specific concerns please contact either myself ( or Graham Gowman (
During this period there has been some talk and some action on setting up other Networks in the adjacent areas, especially as our radius was becoming quite large.
One of the things we would like to discuss is what Networks and Areas are up and running and how does this affect the size, purpose and format of the Southern Men's Shed Network.
We welcome the formation of these new networks and hope that this creates a larger working group of like minded network areas.
I will send out a draft agenda by the end of next week.
I hope to see many of you there.
Best Wishes,
Steve Redrup and Graham Gowman.
Chris Nixon (from Fareham Shed) has created an Event Ticket for the meeting at EventBrite
for those who are interested:
Southern Men's Shed Network meeting
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)