Hosting Shed Needed for Next Network Meeting (approx. Jan 2022)
It had been hoped that the next Network Meeting was going to be hosted by the Church Crookham & Fleet Men's Shed.
Unfortunately they would need to hire a meeting room at the local community centre and this has proved to be impossible for December or January for the kind of dates & times which we would hope for.
As a result it has been decided that they will host the follow up meeting on Tuesday the 19th April.
This will be at
Church Crookham Community Centre
Boyce Road,
Church Crookham,
Hampshire. GU52 8AQ This means we are now looking for another shed to volunteer to host the next meeting.
We are suggesting a date somewhere near mid-January, preferably on a Tues, Weds or Thurs.
If anyone can possibly host this meeting, please contact me.
Many Thanks,
Steve Redrup.
Network Coordinator.
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)