Recently there have been two approaches by insurance agents directly mailing Sheds seeking new business e.g. David Upshall Insurance Services. UKMSA would like to make it clear that these are unsolicited approaches from brokers we have not had contact with.
Our efforts to achieve an improved insurance for all our Shed Members are continuing and may have triggered these approaches. We currently have a 5% discount for Shed Members with Zurich Insurance (see UKMSA website) and are in negotiation with Zurich to improve their offer. We are also talking with some other brokers including one that will be offering a substantial discount and a dedicated Sheds insurance website with costed options for any extensions beyond the essential public liability cover. Our aim is to ensure that any insurance company we agree an offer with is fully aware of the nature of Men’s Sheds, is available to cover Shed members of any age and offers a flexible package at advantageous rates.
We hope to have something to offer in the near future, though these discussions can be difficult, but in the meantime, if you have any questions please contact our Director of Services, Anne Oxley by email on
Stephen Redrup (SMSN Co-ordinator)